- 2021-04-08
Driving with One Headlight is better than driving blind - 2021-03-14
Some tools to add to your public records toolbox - 2020-07-11
Eulogy: Remembering that Sunday with my dad - 2014-06-25
Quick script to implement 'paging' to search Twitter API for a given hashtag - 2014-01-06
Makin' and bakin' chicken wings - 2013-09-27
Cleaning out the (digital) filing cabinet - 2013-09-21
Link: Making decisions based on available data - 2013-07-16
Why should you be a newsroom developer? Why shouldn't you? - 2013-06-15
Convert string Lat/Long to number for Google Maps API - 2013-05-15
Link: Teaching yourself to code for the web - 2013-05-15
Automating crowdsourced maps with apps scripts - 2013-04-28
Link: Meetings Are Toxic - 2013-04-28
Link: Merging Datasets with Common Columns in Google Refine - 2013-03-17
Link: We're all living in an Everyblock world - 2013-03-08
Just a little break - 2013-02-16
Fresh from Posterous - 2013-02-15
Last Posterous post... time to find a new method... - 2013-02-09
Ever want to be a fly on the wall while interesting ideas and topics are being discussed? - 2013-02-02
Some thoughts after a couple months with tabletop and handlebars - 2013-01-29
Here's a simple script to generate a boilerplate FOIA-letter type thing that I cobbled together... - 2013-01-13
Link: "TLDR" is unnecessary - 2013-01-12
Display data from a flat JSON file on a Handlebars.js template file rendered with AJAX - 2012-12-31
What I learned back at BuildMadison and in making CitySolver... - 2012-12-30
Quick snippets from building off LA's most dangerous intersections map - 2012-12-30
As a beginner I see so much advice in this simple statement... - 2012-12-30
Link: Sunlight from the Command Line - 2012-12-29
Mother Jones, Slate open up a couple stunning datasets related to gun violence - 2012-12-14
Link: Anyone can do it. Data journalism is the new punk - 2012-11-26
Link: John Keefe on Designing a Course in Data Journalism - 2012-11-25
Using csvkit and PostgreSQL to mimic a bit of Microsoft Access - 2012-11-16
California dreams... they're a bit crazy... - 2012-10-09
Fantastic thoughts to live -- and work -- for - 2012-10-03
Table upon table of money & politics data available from MapLight, ready to be visualized - 2012-10-02
Pardon the dust... - 2012-10-02
Link: Programmatically create Fusion Tables views and merge tables using the API - 2012-09-24
Link: Reboot journalism school? Take control of your education instead - 2012-09-07
Link: Anatomy of a local breaking news story - 2012-08-15
I'm thinking good motorists and good cyclists can co-exist? Why not? - 2012-08-15
Some tips to add Fusion Tables maps to Blogger posts - 2012-07-09
Link: Using Google Refine to Clean a Data Set - 2012-07-02
Do I or Don't I - A journalists guide to knowing if your Fusion Tables map or app needs to be migrated to the new API - 2012-07-02
Introducing MadSafety, a Django-based scraper of incident reports released by the Madison Police Department - 2012-06-30
Honoring the Journo-Tech-Comp-Trenuer - 2012-06-26
A lot of fun dev-oriented things are in motion, and inertia has never felt so good - 2012-06-22
Link: Expanding the map markers in Google Fusion Tables via ONA - 2012-06-19
Creating a django project on WebFaction using Python 2.7, virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper - 2012-06-18
A quick js widget to show the 10 hottest links on the MadisonWI subreddit - 2012-06-17
A letter for dads on Father's Day - 2012-06-17
Python scraper to check status of Madison beaches - 2012-06-15
Link: Clean data is the best weapon against the monkey insurrection - 2012-06-15
Learning to build on failure to build better in the future... - 2012-06-11
Link: Checklist to bulletproof your data work - 2012-06-10
Link: Audio from SPJ Madison's Social Media for Journalists training session - 2012-06-10
Building a clean timeline using Vertical Timeline, a collaboration between Balance Media and WYNC - 2012-06-05
#wirecall tweets flowing through tweetdeck at 8:10 pm or so.... A thing of beauty... - 2012-05-20
Link: Walt Disney vs. the news industry - 2012-05-19
Link: Thoughts on Madison Startup Weekend - 2012-05-19
Link: Rabbit holes: Why being smart hurts your productivity, from Sridatta Thatipamala - 2012-05-19
Decisons, decisions, decisions... - 2012-05-19
Link: Basic web skills every journalist must have - 2012-05-19
Link: 12 Tangents Later, [Anthony DeBarros Publishes] A Django Site - 2012-05-19
Pretty cool use of Fusion Tables to provide geo data backend for Kansas legi search - 2012-05-19
Crowdsourcing a Q/A checklist for interactive news projects - 2012-05-19
Link: Generation X Doesn't Want to Hear It - 2012-05-19
Link: Merged Bay Area Citizen, Center for Investigative Reporting tech team will focus on impact - 2012-05-15
This is the wrong answer from ESPN on the question of Apple TV - 2012-05-09
Three Fusion Tables walkthroughs to play with - 2012-04-29
On landmarks and getting to know you'll never ever know... - 2012-04-22
Some words to think on offered by some really bright folks - 2012-04-17
Joshua Tauberer - @JoshData - offers book on Open Government Data - 2012-04-04
So you want a timely sync between your Google Spreadsheet and Fusion Table... - 2012-03-29
Google's Fusion Tables gets new features, UI makeover & streamlined experience - 2012-03-28
Fusion Tables introduces enhanced search feature - 2012-03-28
Link: Greg Linch curates discussion on music and code - 2012-03-25
Link: Greg Linch on Journalism as a software application - 2012-03-25
New tool to visualize Fusion Tables data: the "Chart Wizard" - 2012-03-25
Looking for a Fusion Tables project? - 2012-03-22
So it's Badgers versus Syracuse... - 2012-03-15
Older IE browsers become fodder for Microsoft IE 9 marketing campaign - 2012-03-13
A fork of @tribapps Boundary Service by OpenNorth is alive at my localhost… - 2012-03-13
It will never be the same, but I can nearly make a Tumblr site look like this one... - 2012-03-12
As Twitter acquires Posterous, I guess I have some work to do... - 2012-03-06
Quote I read today provided by William Alpert of Barrons... - 2012-03-03
Using Python to send Open States API data to Google Fusion Tables and make a legi mashup map. - 2012-03-03
Wired's use of GitHub to publish an article about GitHub reminds me of Jordan Wirfs-Brock's Knight-Mozilla idea - 2012-02-29
Fresh from #nicar12, here are curated notes to set up a Windows 7 Python environment so I can practice at work - 2012-02-29
If working toward a Demo, & don't want to write a Memo, could really simple slides work? - 2012-02-26
Slides from #nicar12 Web Scraping without Programming panel - 2012-02-24
A #nicar12 walkthrough -- HTML tags from 10,000 feet - 2012-02-14
How a beginner used Python to interact with the Open States API - 2012-02-04
Link via Nieman Journalism Lab: The newsonomics of signature content - 2012-02-04
From John Keefe - Making GOP primary maps the Fusion Table way - 2012-02-01
freeDive from the Knight Digital Media Center helps you make Google spreadsheets searchable - 2012-01-31
Google Group user John M. posts script that brings Google spreadsheets and Fusion Tables closer together - 2012-01-26
ScribbleLive adds moderated writer role, additional features to LiveArticle - 2012-01-25
Been waiting for a way to use a form to submit data to Fusion Tables? Wait no longer - 2012-01-22
Link: 10 Lessons for Newsrooms: On Accuracy and Apologies - 2012-01-18
Wisco's real-time recall underway...? - 2012-01-18
Link: A completely arbitrary list of takeaways from two unconferences - 2012-01-12
Say what you will about text messaging, but can't say I ever received a wrong-number phone call like this - 2012-01-10
Beginners walkthrough of Google Fusion Tables prepared for Hacks/Hackers Chicago - 2012-01-10
It's always interesting to see what happens when you type your name into Google... - 2012-01-06
Ghosts of playoffs past linger in potential Green Bay opponents - 2012-01-03
Paul Bradshaw walks us through importing RSS into Google Docs, and collaborating using Delicious - 2012-01-02
Saving up for a rainy day? - 2012-01-02
Tracks of Life: Was it the end of an era or foundation for the future - 2011-12-30
I got 99 reps to scrape so I learned me some Python - 2011-12-29
I don't doubt this thought for one second... - 2011-12-29
Looking back at 2011 and wondering how I got to this place, cause that journey was pretty fun - 2011-12-27
Want easy Google Spreadsheet script to geocode addresses and export as GeoJSON? Thanks to @developmentseed here it is - 2011-12-19
Link: Register Citizen Newsroom Cafe celebrates one-year anniversary - 2011-12-12
One day, someone new will be running things... - 2011-12-12
More fun with Highcharts and Fusion Tables - 2011-12-09
Sometimes, three letters says it all... - 2011-11-30
Learning to work and collaborate in the open... - 2011-11-26
Walkthrough - Using FusionTables to power Highcharts column chart - 2011-11-24
Tracks of Life: Now it's tomorrow, and everything has changed - 2011-11-22
Tips & tools for journalists who want to learn programming skills via Katharine Jarmul at Poynter - 2011-11-20
Constructive comments on online news articles... perhaps...? - 2011-11-11
Let's look back at the lessons from the week… - 2011-11-09
If it adds value, do it. If it doesn't, don't. No need to overthink @jeffsonderman's suggestion for adding NT to tweets - 2011-11-03
Found in my stash of writing, a random old poem from days that -- at this point -- I don't quite believe could be mine - 2011-10-31
Need a formula for becoming power spreadsheet user? I did. - 2011-10-27
You want memorable sports drama? Here are my top moments that I saw in real time - 2011-10-27
If I was an Android user, these findings from @degusta would make me sad ... and angry ... but mostly sad - 2011-10-27
Data-journo-hacker-mappers navigate through the changes to the Google Maps API - 2011-10-27
@storify updates looks, but most important, adds powerful new features to streamline curation and creation experience - 2011-10-26
@ScribbleLive brings LiveArticle embeds to its users - 2011-10-26
Need more reasons to "Show Your Work" and share how to make things happen? - 2011-10-26
Black Keys release first single from the forthcoming album El Camino - 2011-10-21
Pondering the fate of the QR code, @seanx offers four ideas on where they might make sense - 2011-10-19
Diving in and making sense of Census demographic and economic data - 2011-10-18
Easy methods of grabbing a RSS feed of a Twitter list or Twitter user - 2011-10-18
@GoogleFT offers up several new code samples to get you started with your data maps - 2011-10-18
@wblau & Zeit Online double down on the "browser as a killer app" - 2011-10-18
Science is hard ... or The benefits of using superconductors to achieve quantum trapping by locking the field in three dimensions - 2011-10-16
Web forms design cheat sheet via Smashing UX Design - 2011-10-15
TileMill releases script to map Google Spreadsheets - 2011-10-15
Touché Siri, Touché - 2011-10-15
Old business cards are always so much fun to look at - 2011-10-10
If this doesn't inspire action... - 2011-10-07
A week later, a quick look back at #hacktoberfest in your words, tweets and ideas - 2011-10-07
Now you can embed audio clips from SoundCloud to your @Storify stories - 2011-10-06
Via Jeff Sonderman ... a must-remember maxim for news organizations - 2011-10-06
Via @samgf: Why I Dumped My iPhone - And I'm Not Going Back - 2011-10-06
We now re-join our blog, already in progress - 2011-09-26
Seems like a question that should be asked by each and every journalist... - 2011-09-24
Fuego 2.0: It's like TweetDeck for the best in digital jouno discussions - 2011-09-24
Digital first" = "Content-first - 2011-09-24
Thoughts for #moznewslab and #hacktoberfest ... via @joehewitt: Web Technologies Need an Owner - 2011-09-20
Quickly: Merging RSS feeds with Yahoo! Pipes - 2011-09-20
Google+ adds features to Hangouts, gets service closer to Skype & UStream? - 2011-09-20
Survey trying to ruin telecommuting for the rest of us? - 2011-09-20
Via@poynter: Set yourself up for success with mobile mapping projects - 2011-09-20
Via @mattwynn: Introduction to open-source GIS tools for journalists - 2011-09-19
As #hacktoberfest approaches, it's a good time to reflect on the tasks at hand for news teams: learn, do, lead and repeat - 2011-09-19
Second-Day Lede? Reaction to a post about a discussion of lead vs lede... - 2011-09-19
Looking forward to the day when my data might be able to cuddle with @pandaproject and provide added value to the user - 2011-09-19
Is it possible to add fiction to a GitHub repo and get open-source contributors? Let's find out... - 2011-09-18
Can we add connotations to the Print vs. Digital debate so we don't have to keep bringing it up? - 2011-09-18
"Lead" versus "Lede" - A Sunday morning Twitter thread Storified - 2011-09-18
What will online journalism look like tomorrow, next week, next year? - 2011-09-16
20 years of using illusions... I & II - 2011-09-15
Badger football inspiration comes from the bitter Buckeyes - 2011-09-14
Via Six Revisions: Top 10 Git tutorials for beginners like me and you - 2011-09-13
Subjot "Sort of a reverse Google+ meets Twitter meets Quora?" - 2011-09-13
Read It Later brings users a gorgeous new reading list experience - 2011-09-13
Via 10,000 Words: Google offers an interface to build data charts quickly - 2011-09-13
@paulbradshaw offers the inverted pyramid of data journalism - 2011-09-09
Is that @waynelarrivee's dagger I see before me? Cataloguing the dagger calls from the voice of the Green Bay Packers - 2011-09-08
Among TechCrunch musings, Fred Wilson asks: Will Crunchbase survive? - 2011-09-07
Former GOP Congressional staffer offers view of party from the inside - 2011-09-07
There are days I wish I could draw, and others where imagination rules. Thanks Mitt for making the latter suffice. - 2011-09-06
A flow chart and some technical solutions for data journalists, via @paulbradshaw of the Online Journalism Blog - 2011-09-06
Feeding sanity as opposed to your feed reader - 2011-09-05
I think I'm gonna start writing in Markdown - 2011-09-05
"This collaboration allows all of us to serve our readers better" via @tribapps - 2011-08-31
Knight Digital Media Center has a treasure chest of online journalism and digital storytelling tutorials... - 2011-08-31
Is Chrome's rapid release sked easier on IT? - 2011-08-31
I've acquired a heck of a lot of bookmarks relating to website coding and such. Here are some of them… - 2011-08-31
Tracks of Life: Looking back at September 2001 - 2011-08-30
Dunno how long the "There is your dagger" line of clothing has been out, but seems a must have for any Packer fan... - 2011-08-30
Can you write a blog post from the command line? - 2011-08-30
View & organize Fusion Tables and shape files in Google Docs - 2011-08-30
A hurricane wanders into a Journal Register Company publishing experiment and the media business is better - 2011-08-30
In the name of moving on to new things - per the Cult of Done - I bring you U.S. Bank Failures since 2000 - mapped and searchable (somewhat) - 2011-08-27
Do print readers remember more? - 2011-08-24
Others will have more intriguing stories about how Apple affected their lives, but for me... - 2011-08-23
From my @evernote Stash: @mattwaite's "Molten content, data ghettos and why your CMS problems are an excuse, not a reason" - 2011-08-11
"Tweeting" shop, holding the door open and @andymboyle's roadshow "journo" revival - 2011-08-11
First time in Santa Barbara, but I highly recommend the Big Yurt at Bjorklund Ranch. Beautiful and inspiring. - 2011-08-08
That's a #MozNewsLab wrap, but I have a feeling we're all just getting started... - 2011-08-03
Stuck in a rut and in need of a map? - 2011-08-01
AP's guidelines for "Off the record", "Background" and "Deep Background" - 2011-07-30
Tips for leading collaborative teams and making progress - 2011-07-30
On the newsroom change agent, or how the squeaky wheel avoids the oil... - 2011-07-29
Iteration and Journalism: A #MozNewsLab conversation between @jordanwb, @knowtheory and @ChrisLKeller - 2011-07-29
People come late to ball games and concerts and dinners, but for sure they get to the DMV before it opens. - 2011-07-25
Stretch run of the #moznewslab has me stretching my sense of what is possible ... in a good way - 2011-07-23
nwsmkr - Visualizing the connections between the people the news is about - 2011-07-22
Hack, hacker - makes no difference - 2011-07-22
Well, if you put it like that... - 2011-07-20
Every idea needs a diagram, and every diagram needs a thing... - 2011-07-19
According to visual.ly and it's Twitterizer I'm rather boring and not enthused... Just wait until football season... - 2011-07-18
When I'm mobile, don't give me what you give me on the desktop...? - 2011-07-18
Old Twitter Email shows 160 users after three months, via Anarchogeek - 2011-07-17
Something is happening and you don't know what it is... Do you, Mr. Jones. - 2011-07-15
Nearly one week without a cigarette earns me an ipa, sausage and peppers, cheese bread and a view of Lake Monona. - 2011-07-13
@knowtheory: Visual.ly does have a fantastic terms of service though... - 2011-07-11
Getting down to the job... The start of the Knight-Mozilla learning lab - 2011-07-11
Mapping data: Wisconsin state senate recall map - 2011-07-08
Mapping data: Wis. Supreme Court voting, Madison Mayoral Voting, State Life Expectancies & school funding - 2011-06-20
Jon Stewart's most insightful observation left on the cutting room floor? - 2011-06-20
Before you launch a showcase for fun writing, make sure you have the domain locked up - 2011-06-20
Via Salon: The memories of growing up Gen-X - 2011-06-02
Next time you doubt yourself, remember this little guy - 2011-05-29
Via Bre Pettis: The Cult of Done Manifesto - 2011-05-16
Filed under "Why Not? Here are my five most memorable cluster headaches - 2011-05-15
Back from exile, my friend the cluster headache reminds me that pain know no limits - 2011-05-15
I think I made a web app for things to do outdoors in Madison - 2011-05-08
via @girljournalist: 5 "Rules" for journalists using Storify - 2011-05-08
1994 is on the phone, and it has a vision of the newspaper industry if you want it - 2011-05-03
And here's one of the greatest bands in the world at their first gig - 2011-04-20
Protest scenes from the Palin rally at the Wisco Capitol... - 2011-04-16
A great 'for the heck of it' Saturday video from the 80s. Heart and Soul. - 2011-04-16
Hizzoner-elect Soglin up at the Wisco Capitol bldg. #wiunion - 2011-04-16
A friendly discussion of issues at the Wisco Capitol building. - 2011-04-16
Even Ronald couldn't stay away from the Wisco Capitol for the dueling rallies. - 2011-04-10
Seen at Savers... Wonder how long after Packers won the Super Bowl that this was donated. #hindsight - 2011-04-07
Following the reaction to Waukesha and 14,000 uncounted votes - 2011-04-06
Wisconsin's state supreme court vote visualized - 2011-03-30
In honor of Mitch Hedberg and his brilliant powers of observation - 2011-03-24
Ever want to pretend you are in Super Mario Bros and have coins pop out out a block? Now you can... - 2011-03-24
Some people's boring is another man's system... - 2011-03-23
Lesson in patience? Internal email from when Twitter was three months old - 2011-03-22
Are we closer to the ala carte broadcast society I was ready for 20 years ago? - 2011-03-21
The real problem with twitter's ios trending bar - 2011-03-17
A 'Twitter style' for journalists? - 2011-03-09
@MikeElk: and they are massing up all across the second floor. #wiunion - 2011-03-09
Last photo for the night. Fitting end me thinks. #wiunion - 2011-03-09
@AndrewKroll @glassridges @keitholbermann @mikeelk: Here's mayor Dave. - 2011-03-09
Folks lined up outside assembly chambers at Wisco Capitol bldg. #wiunion - 2011-03-09
In wisco, even the snowmen show up with signs... #wiunion - 2011-03-05
So we need a remake of Apocalypse Now, and you know who plays Willard right? That's right... #winning - 2011-03-02
March Madness bracketology – winners and losers - 2011-02-20
Favorite sign I saw at the Wisconsin Capitol on Saturday - 2011-02-19
This wasn't happening at the Capitol during my fourth grade tour. I got gipped: - 2011-02-19
What happened in Madison this week? Here's a little song to break it all down for you courtesy of Scott Walker, Jessie Jackson and the media - 2011-02-17
Wisconsin Senators play hide & seek with budget bill vote - 2011-02-16
Some early music from GrooveDrool. It's called Nostradamus Blues - 2011-02-16
Via ars technica: The inside story of the HBGary hack - 2011-02-11
iPhone users... Want 1000 free rollover minutes? Tell AT&T "YES" - 2011-02-11
Some containers are better for certain things, or how to break news in print - 2011-02-07
Looks like a Super Bowl seat I could afford? - 2011-02-07
In a pinch? Use The Malcolm Gladwell Book Generator - 2011-02-07
Why It is Nearly Impossible to Tickle Yourself - 2011-02-06
The perils of auto-transcription - 2011-02-05
The first Lambeau Leap... - 2011-02-04
NBC Employee Fired for Leaking Today Show's Embarrassing Internet Cluelessness - 2011-02-03
Badgers hold onto hope to land Jacoby Brissett - 2011-02-03
Medium the message? - 2011-02-02
I have a car in here somewhere... #wiblizzard - 2011-01-31
Time's Up? - 2011-01-09
Fun with jQuery and my old fiction... Introducing The Raw Man - 2011-01-09
A little music for you from GrooveDrool. We call it Slippy - 2011-01-03
A handful of modest & achievable goals for 2011 - 2011-01-03
Recipe: Stuffin Muffins - 2010-12-13
For what its worth last time Favre didn't start game the Internet didn't really exist and I Iooked like this. Scary. - 2010-10-26
Game time - 2010-10-24
This is why I love me some small town Wisco. Downtown Francis Creek on a Sunday afternoon: - 2010-10-18
Sometimes it's fun to look back and realize you stayed retired - 2010-10-15
Jury duty live from Cook County's Rolling Meadows Courthouse - 2010-10-10
Marathon day in Chicago. Never been downtown for this. Pretty cool. - 2010-10-09
We are under way... Here goes nothing: #mobilehack - 2010-10-06
Photo of statement from VU campus Police Department #nwindiana - 2010-09-17
Thanks @daltonsbriefs for photo of crowd packed into see unbeaten Chesterton take on #valpovikings. #nwihssports. - 2010-09-14
@intersect: An interesting new storytelling site - 2010-09-09
The tire place I went this morning... Well the manager's name is Rick Roll... - 2010-09-07
Here is the first thing Google Scribe wrote for me - 2010-09-05
What it means to imagine a brand - The Steve Jobs perspective - 2010-09-02
So I go to drop off the rent check and boom - #tirelesshondafit. Three blocks away from mine: - 2010-09-01
@varin: Stolen. Fourth honda since Saturday in #chicago's Northcenter area and second on same block. - 2010-08-06
Yet another character waiting for a story - 2010-08-06
Good take on Patch.com in Chicago - 2010-08-06
On the need for editors - 2010-08-06
Another character waiting for a story - 2010-08-02
Character waiting for a story - 2010-07-28
So that's what burnout feels like? - 2010-07-28
The Lost Tribes of RadioShack - 2010-07-26
I need to know... - 2010-07-26
No "jail" for jailbreakers, unlockers - 2010-07-26
Have to say I love NYC fashion district bars. They all have themes. Stitch Bar is across the street from Houndstooth Pub. - 2010-07-25
NY Times Report: Archive will give grim assessment of Afghan War - 2010-07-25
Times Square costume contest for Mad Men season 4 premiere. #madmen - 2010-07-25
January Jones and Elisabeth Moss leaving Times Square season 4 premiere of #MadMen - 2010-07-24
I have seen what a perfect day looks like... Not the perfect day, but a perfect day. - 2010-07-24
Collaboration culture in news - 2010-07-24
Some handy info... - 2010-07-24
From Gawker: Judge Rules Vitaminwater Is Actually Sugar Water - 2010-07-24
i-Dosing: Coming to an iPod near you? - 2010-07-24
Types of Comments to Avoid Making when Programming - 2010-07-09
Read on the Web... - 2010-07-09
Tools of planned obsolescence - 2010-07-09
Facebook "Hacker" Cost Man A Year of Farmville Work - 2010-07-09
Eight uses of Foursquare for journalism