Is it possible to add fiction to a GitHub repo and get open-source contributors? Let's find out...
Published 2011-09-19
The idea of taking short fiction and opening it up for others to add to, subtract from or branch out into new directions is intriguing to me.
So I present to you the GitHub repo for Everyone Else Was Driving, a short story I wrote back in 2002. There's a passage from the story below.
I haven't looked at this for at least seven years, and right now I wonder if it's something that could be said to have a beginning, a middle and an end.
So there it is, in all its mediocre (being generous) glory. Fork away.
And as unplausible as the story might be, the idea of someone looking for a connection in this world remains a constant, at least in my mind. So I think it has legs...
For kicks, I've added a second short story to my GitHub account. This one, called The Raw Man, also includes some code for a jQuery presentation I put together.